Thursday, 10 January 2013

                OH! Nature……. Dont  Cry

Oh..! dear nature…….dont weep

                      I am there for you……

I    hear your  cry……so deep
                      I  am eager to help you,

Because   you were the one  
                       who consoled me.

You  deviated  me  when  I  was made fun

                      As a weaker sex.

I cried  before you when I was exploited

                    You inspired me to sing songs

Which made me to feel  good

                     concealing  all  my  sorrows

 You were a guide to me..
                      a teacher and  a philosopher to me,

 When I was alone  at sea
                      Of  confusions in my life.

  Now I came to see you.

                      I am sad at your present condition.

  I hoped to see you in hues

                       But  you are striving hard to live.

   I am glad that I got a chance
                        To  revive your glory.
    I  can work hard to grow your plants

                        I can make you alive
     Through the lesson you taught me
                          love  and help without expecting anything”.

      That lesson has made me to stand free

                          To  help you now.

       I am sure that I cant help you alone

                           So I call my friends to accompany

        This may be a wonderful chance to show our gratitude

                            Here we unite together to sustain the ecosystem.!!
-      Primrose
-       II B.A English