Thursday, 13 December 2012

Corruption - The Epidemic

Tell the world who you are;
Show them clear that you’re at war!
With all the evils that exist,
Those which man cannot resist;
Bribery, corruption, hatred and greed,
Which many a man doth lavishly feed;
Corruption is the son of greed,
That lures a mortal towards a filthy deed;
Its grasp and touch seem immortal!
It fetters child and man alike,
Who are addicted to its venomous strike;
The poor get poorer.
The rich get richer.
For greed is a fickle Titan,
Who is never satisfied;
You can shine your light for all to see,
And show the dark world all they can be;
For if this disease does grow tall,
Each and every man shall fall!

-          J. Joelah Christlin
-          II BA ENGLISH

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